From Fromista to Sahagun

From Fromista to Sahagun

Day 15, Saturday 7 September 2013

Distance to Santiago:  440,7 km

The Iglesia de San Albergue FormistaMartin in Formista built in 11th century.

Fromista would be remembered for its bed bugs.  If you had never done between OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 20 and 70 kilometres during a day with a bike or on foot,  transporting your own backpack, arrived late in the evening sweaty and exhausted, had to share the bathrooms with 50 other people, slept on a lumpy bed in a communal hall, while listening to snoring that echoed throughout the room, and been bitten by bed bugs, then you haven’t really experienced being a pilgrim at all. One thing about the Camino de Santiago, every day and night was a new experience.


Carrion de los Condes4 To Carrion de los Condes Carrion de los CondesIt was raining when we left Fromista.  The road to Carrion de los Condes was flat and the scenery beautiful.
After all the delays of the previous day and me, considering to quit, and again behind schedule, we sent an email to the bike company, telling them about the problems we had because of their cheap tyres, tubes, air pumps and support. They replied by offering us extension of one or two days. We thankfully accepted the offer and changed our booking in Astorga for one day later to allow us to catch up.

Villalcazar de Sirca is home to the Knights Templar church Santa Maria la Virgen Blanca and worth a visit but was unfortunately closed when we passed through.  It stopped raining and it was a nice cool day.  For long stretches on the road, it was only Marinda and me, the wind, the sound of the tyres on the gravel road and the most beautiful scenery.  Peaceful. Tranquil. Safe.  When on a bike the opportunity for taking photographs was less.  We drove through small villages, which were connected to the Knights Templar, especially Terradillos de los Templarios. Origins of the town lie with the Knights Templar, near the time of their downfall in the 13th century.  This town is also the halfway point between St Jean Pied de Port and Santiago de Compostela.  The road to Sahagun was flat and a pleasure to cycle and soon all troubles were forgotten while enjoying the scenery.
Ermita de la Virgen del PuenteErmita de la Virgen del PuenteSahagun1 Sahagun3








Being pilgrim was also to enjoy the conversation with yourself and the conflict between mind and body.

We completed 61,8 km for the day.